Category Archives: Harmony Singing and Picking

UD#112 Hark! The Herald Ukulele Duet

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UD#112 Hark! The Herald Ukulele Duet from Ukulele in the Dark with Guido Heistek  Last year we did a duet arrangement of “Coventry Carol”, which, from all reports, people really enjoyed. I was hoping to do something similar this year! One of my online groups requested that we do a version of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” So, I found a traditional arrangement and transcribed the soprano and alto parts for two ukuleles: high G and low G. I also added a third uke strumming chords. Have a listen! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” duet: I know some of   …Continue Reading

UD#105 Christmas Uke Duet: Coventry Carol

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UD#105 Christmas Uke Duet: Coventry Carolfrom Ukulele in the Dark with Guido Heistek One of my students suggested that we learn this carol. I have created a little two part ukulele arrangement that is loosely based on the traditional harmonization of the song. Have a listen! For those of you who are interested, let’s learn the main melody by ear! Here are the notes involved. They come mostly from the G harmonic minor scale.  There are some notes that are altered in the song. This creates a really cool affect. On a couple of occasions, the Bb note is changed to a B natural   …Continue Reading

UD#75 Broken Harpsichord to Ukulele Orchestra!

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Broken Harpsichord to Ukulele Orchestra! (UD#75) from Ukulele in the Dark with Guido Heistek I want to start with a little story… I studied music at Concordia University. My principle instrument was guitar. One of the first things that they did with the guitar players in the program was figure out who could read music well and who couldn’t. I didn’t do so well in that test! If you were a good reader you got to go to an ensemble where you were the only guitar player. Nice! But, if you failed your reading test, like me, you got put   …Continue Reading

UD#43 Another Round? (DONA NOBIS PACEM)

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UD #43 Another Round? from Ukulele in the Dark w/ Guido Heistek   Learn a beautiful new round to play and sing with your ukulele group!   In UD #32 we talked about rounds. I introduced “Jubilate Deo” a beautiful 12 bar round. It was so wildly popular that I’ve been on the look out for a follow up ever since. Happily, one of my students at Ruby’s Ukes introduced me to this gorgeous round, Dona Nobis Pacem. If you are not familiar with musical rounds, please go take a peek at UD #32 and come right back. Here is   …Continue Reading

UD#32 The Thrill of Accidental Harmony (Jubilate Deo)

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UD#32 The Thrill of Accidental Harmony (Jubilate Deo) from Ukulele in the Dark w/ Guido Heistek   Singing or playing in harmony is one of the most thrilling things to do in music. This week I want to introduce you to a type of composition called a round. A round is kind of melody composed in such a way as to allow different groups to start at different points. When the melody is “staggered” in this way it creates harmonies. Here’s a recording of some of my intermediate students from Ruby’s Ukes singing a beautiful round called Jubilate Deo: Some simple   …Continue Reading