Tag Archives: christmas ukulele

UD#105 Christmas Uke Duet: Coventry Carol

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UD#105 Christmas Uke Duet: Coventry Carolfrom Ukulele in the Dark with Guido Heistek One of my students suggested that we learn this carol. I have created a little two part ukulele arrangement that is loosely based on the traditional harmonization of the song. Have a listen! For those of you who are interested, let’s learn the main melody by ear! Here are the notes involved. They come mostly from the G harmonic minor scale.  There are some notes that are altered in the song. This creates a really cool affect. On a couple of occasions, the Bb note is changed to a B natural   …Continue Reading

UD#92 White Christmas Chord Melody

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UD#92 White Christmas Chord Melodyfrom Ukulele in the Dark with Guido Heistek Today’s lesson is about chord melody, which is the subtle art of playing chords and melody at the same time. It is a solo technique that creates the illusion of two ukes playing together. I would like to talk about an aspect of chord melody that many of my students find elusive. Here is the basic concept: “Whenever possible, the chords in a chord melody arrangement are meant to be sustained for their full duration.” In essence, what this means is that chord melody arrangements sound better if   …Continue Reading